Yes, yes I know you have this burning desire to make money and yet you don't want to do anything to get it. I suppose you can marry a sugar daddy/mommy, or win the lottery, maybe you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. But the odds of that are slim, plus I still think those would take some kind of work.
Now let me say something else. You can, AFTER some hard work make a passive income of some kind. But note the after hard work part. The internet can and does for a few people make them a living where they are at the point that they have to do nothing to get more money. But most of these people have worked long and hard to get to that point.
The gurus of the internet world take days and sometimes weeks off from doing there business and they still make money. Those are the days you can honestly say that they are making money doing nothing. But please understand that these people did not start that way. You first have to do a whole lot of something, a whole lot of work before you can do a whole lot of nothing. So if that is your goal in life, to let the internet come to a point where it can work for you while you do nothing, then read on.
You first need to change your mindset. Get out of the "I know there is a quick and easy, free and do no work way to make money on the internet." Because my friend, there just is NOT. However, there are ways to keep making money in the long run, whether you work or not.
Let me explain some interesting facts about the things people, that is me and you, will purchase online. Say 100 people buy a good and solid way to make money online program. Out of those 100 people statistics show that only 20% or 20 people will take any action at all with their new purchase and of those 20 people only 20% or 4 people will ever make any money with it. 96 people will be on the look out for the next best, make money and do nothing program. This is known as the 80/20 rule.
I hope that you can see that you can't make money online doing nothing, at least not in the beginning. In the beginning you have to work and work hard and diligent. When you first come online there is so much to learn. Read and look at all the different ways but don't jump into anything until you are sure that you will do the program from start to finish. Make it set in your mind that you are a finisher and that your goal is one day to be writing an article on "How I make money doing nothing."
Corinne Bridgewater invites you to come along on her online journey to become financially successful. By visiting her website Her path to freedom you can be encouraged to continue on yours and gain needed information.
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