Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is it Possible to Make Money Doing Nothing?

It seems like a pipe dream to most of the general public; however some people do this every day. They've done it for years now and they probably make a lot more money than you. How they made money specifically isn't the issue. The important thing to realize is that they did something once to set it up and it sends them money every month for the rest of their lives. Doesn't this sound like a neat concept? If you've ever thought about this before, you are not alone. The phrase "make money doing nothing" is one of the most popular searches online. If you've been thinking about this, you definitely have the right concept. Why not get rich and enjoy the life that you were designed to live?

Have you ever read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki? It is a revolutionary book that has helped many people realize that they can live a better life than they do at the present time. In the book, Robert Kiyosaki says that it is completely realistic to expect that you can live like you're retired every day of your life. You can rise above the rat race that the majority lives in and get rich. You can be one of those people who made money early on and enjoy it for the rest of your days.

Does this require some special ability or capacity? The truth is, anyone can do this. Every single person is capable of doing this if they will take the time to succeed. Success isn't easy. It takes a lot of discipline and organized planning. At the beginning you're going to have to live on less than you bring in. You can't spend every single penny you make or go in debt. You have to save a little money from every paycheck and use it to set up income streams. Having multiple sources of income is vital to your success in this manner.

Another book that Robert Kiyosaki produced was the Cash Flow Quadrants. In this book he breaks everyone down into four main categories: employee, self-employed, business owner, or investor. The main idea that you need to remember from this example is that you have to get out of the employee quadrant if you're ever going to become wealthy. Being an employee is designed to keep you from getting rich. You have to get over to the other side of the quadrant and become a business owner and investor.

When you're a business owner or investor, you can create passive income for yourself. This brings you money when you're not even physically doing anything. This is how people become wealthy without doing much work. You might have to step in and do something every now and then, but it will pale in comparison to the amount of work you used to do as an employee. Wouldn't you like to be the one that made money and got out of the rat race? You can get rich and start enjoying your life today.

KC Chong is a viral list building expert. Download your free exclusive report on how to achieve long term income by using some Lazy List Building methods. Available for a limited time only, click below for instant access:

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