Saturday, January 19, 2013

Archimedes - How to Make Money Doing Nothing

Do you remember the story about good-old Archimedes - full name: Archimedes of Syracuse? You know - the one where the King asked him to find out whether or not his crown was really made of gold. I am sure you can recall that after much deliberation, the answer finally came to him when he was taking a bath. "Eureka", he shouted; and that didn't mean he had located the soap!

Well I don't know about you, but I also seem to get most of my best ideas whilst I am in the bath. And in this article, I am going to let you into a couple of little secrets that finally came to me in one of those eureka moments - it concerns how I realized it would be actually possible to make money doing nothing.

Now I know what you must be thinking: that kind of thing just doesn't happen- right? Well, I would have thought the same thing myself until fairly recently, when I actually challenged myself to setup a fully automated, hands-off, income stream. And in the process of doing so, I finally realized exactly how it would be possible to build that income, by repeating the process, to the kind of level I have been working towards these past years online. What came as a bit of a surprise to me was how easy it would turn out to be.

The truth of the matter is this: once you realize that it's not people who make money online - it's systems, then you can begin to understand why it will be possible for you to make money too. All you need to do is to find the right system. If it is a proven system, then it will work the same for you as for everyone else who is using it. This is the law of cause and effect in action. You reproduce the same causes (in other words, you use the same systems) and you therefore produce the same effects - and that means you make money.

Now a second component to the hands-off element of making money is this: you need to recognize that some systems actually do work themselves - without any human intervention once they are set up. When these two things finally penetrated my skull, I began to understand how it would be possible for me to make money doing nothing. And once I had got the process going, it would be possible to optimize the whole thing.

So now I have quite a number of these little income streams - all nicely ticking away bringing me an ever-increasing dollop of loot each and every day; fully on autopilot. Yes - entirely without any work whatsoever. As my income has significantly increased - and continues increasing - all without work of any kind, I have come to realize that the internet is really a golden goose for those who know how to use it. It can, and will, lay golden eggs for you every single day of your life.

Once you have properly digested the two principles laid out above, you will be ready to begin by creating your first automatic income stream. You can do it in a number of ways: you can create your own system from scratch - just as I did - or you can simply make use of a profitable, automated system that has already proved itself to be a winner in the online world.

Watch the video of me making money doing nothing right now ...


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