I have heard some people talking about making a little extra cash, you know, about $10.00 for two weeks, takes work. I say it doesn't require work. All you should need to do is bend down, pick something up every so often.
Let's me explain what I'm saying. Saving those extra coins, quick, simple and easiest thing you will do, no work involved.
Look how I made approximately $20.00 over the past three (3) weeks.
We all have to go out and purchase stuff, essentials we need, you pay, they give you your change, and you place it right in your purse of pocket. Now you go home and what do you do? Don't put it in your car's ashtray (too tempting to leave it there and spend for fast foods, etc.)
You will need something, a box, jar, some sort of container to put in your room, so that when you take the change out of your pockets you put all of them right in the container. Keep doing this every time you go out and make a purchase, save the change in your container and before you know it the money increases in there. Put is somewhere easy for out of the way, out of just "grab and reach in and take" area.
We all seem to have rather busy scheduled these days, we are busy, and we rush and just run out of our house and do what we need to do. So that is a good thing that we happen to forget about the money/coins in the container that we are saving. By placing it in a little bit of an "out of sight", "out of mind" location we will leave the house without thinking that we "need a little extra change" to take along with us.
I know you may say that this is a little silly or feel kind of stupid if you do it, but it can help make you more money. Just bend down and pick up that penny, nickel, dime that you see laying on the ground. Don't be shy, take it and put it in your "money making" pocket so that when you get home you can place it in your handy "savings" container.
Just think about it this way, any penny you pick up adds up and helps contribute to making a dollar. There are easy ways to count your change these days as well, so pick it up then stash it until a certain amount of time goes by or the container is big enough and is full.
You can take it to the change counting kiosk and before you know it that change or coins add up to bills. It is amazing how much you can save my just picking up those loose coins you see on your walk, or in the parking lots, etc. So many people just let them fall and don't want to bend down for some reason and pick them up, that's no excuse for you not to do so and take advantage of it. Pick up every coin you see and save it up in your container and make money doing nothing!
Does your JOB let you work in your underwear? Mine does, let me show you how you can make an extra $3,905 every month like clockwork for FREE from the comfort of your home utilizing a secret strategy found at
Sammy Zoom has been involved with marketing online since the ripe age of 25. He is the Co-Creator of The Work In Your Underwear System, which is expanding worldwide.